Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 79
Magazine, Autumn & Winter 2021
Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 79
Scheltens & Abbenes
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Teaser, Spring & Summer 2023
ATID, Alexander Taylor
Branding, 2020
ATID, Alexander Taylor
Branding, 2020
The Gentlewoman, issue no. 23
Magazine, Spring & Summer 2021
The Gentlewoman, issue no. 24
Tim Elkaïm
Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 78
Magazine, Spring & Summer 2021
The Gentlewoman & Bottega Veneta
Advertorial, Autumn & Winter 2020
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 1-24
Magazine, 2009–2021
Hermès Silk
Autumn & Winter 2019, 2020
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 23, 24
Jamie Hawkesworth
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 21, 20
Tim Elkaïm
Miu Miu Musings
Branding, campaign, 2019
Miu Miu Musings
Branding, voting blocks, 2019
Miu Miu Musings
Branding, voting blocks, 2019
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 22, 23
Larissa Hofmann
Hermès men’s ready-to-wear
Teaser, Spring & Summer 2023
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 21, 20
Hanna Moon
The Gentlewoman 24-1
Magazine, 2009-2021
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Collection film, Spring & Summer 2022
Speculative Design Archive, Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam
Campaign, exhibition signage, 2018
Speculative Design Archive, Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam
Campaign, exhibition signage, 2018
Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 78
Magazine, Spring & Summer 2021
The Row
Lookbook, Autumn & Winter 2022
This Is Tiffany, issue no. 5
Magazine, Spring & Summer 2017
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Press publication, Spring & Summer 2022
Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 79
Magazine, Autumn & Winter 2021
Maison Margiela, Replica fragrances
Digital campaign, Winter 2021
The Gentlewoman Mini Magazine, published on the occasion of the 10-year anniversary
Concept, design and production, 2019
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 16, 15
Harley Weir
Hermès Beauty, Rouge, Rose, Les Mains and Plein Air
Invitations and publications, 2019–2022
Hermès Beauty, Plein Air
Press publication, 2022
Hermès Beauty, Les Mains
Press publication, 2021
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Teaser, Spring & Summer 2022
Le Monde d’Hermès, issue no. 78
Magazine, Spring & Summer 2021
The Gentlewoman, issue nos. 17, 15, 20
Zoë Ghertner
John Lobb campaign, re-photographed for System Magazine
Spring & Summer 2020
The Gentlewoman, issue no. 24
Magazine, Autumn & Winter 2021
English as a Second Language, Somerset House London
Exhibition design, 2019
English as a Second Language, Somerset House London
Exhibition design, 2019
The Gentlewoman, Girls Rock Glasgow
Autumn & Winter 2019
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Invitation, Spring & Summer 2023
Hermès Silk
Autumn & Winter 2021
Hermès women’s ready-to-wear
Teaser, Spring & Summer 2023


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London EC2Y 8DJ
United Kingdom
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AeLi Park

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Studio Veronica Ditting is an award-winning creative direction and design studio. Based in London but with an international client list, the practice works with fashion houses, artists and art institutions on a wide range of projects, of varying scale and intricacy. As the creative director of the biannual women’s magazine The Gentlewoman, 24 magazine issues, various products and projects were created and produced in collaboration with Studio Veronica Ditting.

Studio Veronica Ditting is characterised by a strong signature that is resolutely editorially driven, working closely with photographers, artists, editors and writers to realise ideas at their most definitive. Recent clients have included the brands Hermès, Miu Miu, Maison Margiela, The Row; and the art institutions Somerset House, Design Museum and Het Nieuwe Instituut.

Since graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2005, Veronica has received awards and nominations from the Design Museum’s Designs of the Year, the D&ADs, the Dutch Design Awards, the Aica Awards, Stack Awards and Magpile. Veronica is a frequent jury member of design competitions worldwide; lectures internationally at speaker events such as Frieze Academy and Unseen Amsterdam; and stages workshops at design schools, including the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, ECAL and Bauhaus Universität Weimar.

Selected clients

Hermès, Miu Miu, Maison Margiela, The Row, Tiffany & Co, adidas, Tory Burch, John Lobb, The Gentlewoman, Luca Guadagnino, White Cube, Somerset House, Design Museum, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Het Nieuwe Instituut, De Nederlandsche Bank/The Dutch Bank, IKEA, Coty, Office Winhov, Looiersgracht 60, Fantastic Man, Penny Martin, Alexander Taylor, Barbara Visser, Dana Lixenberg, Katja Mater


We regularly look to work with freelancers on specific projects. These roles include:

— Senior, middle-weight and junior designer
— Art director, with solid moving-image experience
— Project manager
We occasionally take on interns for six-month internships.

To apply for any of the positions mentioned above, email your CV together with a covering letter and PDF portfolio (maximum file size 5MB) to work@veronicaditting.com. Your covering letter should state clearly why you are interested in working with us, and what you would bring to the role you are applying for. Please name each file with your full name (“FirstnameSurname_cv.pdf” and “FirstnameSurname_portfolio.pdf”). If your application is successful, we will contact you.

Photography and styling portfolios

Please email your portfolio PDF (maximum file size 5MB) to work@veronicaditting.com. We will consider your work and contact you if we wish for further information. Thank you for your interest.


Website programming by Studio Scasascia

(1/44) Julien Martinez Leclerc, styling by Charlotte Collet; (2/44) Scheltens & Abbenes; (3/44) Daniel Shea, styling by Jodie Barnes; (6/44) cover by Inez & Vinoodh, styling by Mel Ottenberg; (7/44) Tim Elkaïm, styling by Brian Molloy, (13/44) left: styling by Isabelle Sayer, right: styling by Agata Belcen; (8/44) Esther Theaker, styling by Brian Molloy, collage by Monique Baumann; (9/44) Hanna Moon, styling by Agata Belcen, (19/44) left: styling by Alex Harrington, right: styling by Eliza Conlon; (11/44, 41/44) Oliver Hadlee Pearch, styling by Brian Molloy, (25/44) styling by Emilie Kareh; (12/44) Jamie Hawkesworth, centre and right: styling by Eliza Conlon, (27/44) styling by Camilla Nickerson; (14/44, 15/44, 16/44) Trisha Ward; (17/44) Larissa Hofmann, styling by Eliza Conlon; (18/44) Alexandre Silberstein, styling by Kevin Grosjean; (21/44) Pablo Larraín, cinematography by Edward Lachman, styling by Jodie Barnes; (22/44) campaign photography by Tim Elkaïm; (24/44) Jack Davison, styling by Brian Molloy, (35/44) styling by Jodie Barnes; (26/44) Matthieu Lavanchy; (28/44) Durimel, styling by Pau Avia; (29/44) Jack Davison; (30/44) Zoë Ghertner, left and right: styling by Suzanne Koller, centre: styling by Francesca Burns; (31/44) Suns: Nicolai Howalt; Esther Theaker, styling by Jodie Barnes; (33/44) Deo Suveera, Pamela Dimitrov; (34/44) Larissa Hofmann; (36/44) Jack Webb, styling by Brian Molloy; (37/44) Rafael Pavarotti, styling by Jacob K; (44/44) Harley Weir, styling by Jane How

Still life photography
(4/44, 36/44) Matthieu Lavanchy; (39/44) Joyce Ng; Studio Veronica Ditting

Last updated November 2022